writing life

Playing Hookey :)

I’m taking today off. I have to have the synopsis and the first part of the Christmas story in to the editor tomorrow, so I’m working on that.  And I finally opened the books on the last course in my French certificate. It makes me want to stick a fork in my eye, to...

The Great Mouse Rescue

I have a barn, with two old ponies. One is so old, he lives on horse pellets and sweet feed, because he has no teeth to chew grass or hay with. But with barns come mice. Now, I don’t mind mice. They’re just trying to get along, raise their families, have their little mouse...

Conversations With My Editor

This occurred during a conversation where I was apologizing again, because Bite Me is still growing. Editor: I’m gonna end up with another 96k book to match hers (another of her authors), aren’t I? I always forget you have ones that age! Me: Yes, yes you are. Sorry. #notsorry Once we have the whole...

Wordcount Wrap-up

I’m pretty pleased with my wordcounts lately. Admittedly, there are still under-1000 days, but most of them are above that, and there’s even some over 2000 days. And no days at all in February where I didn’t write anything. It’s very reassuring. I’ll admit, I was worried. There didn’t seem to be any rhyme...

I Need to Retrain the Girl-Child

She’s developed an annoying habit of walking up behind me while I’m writing and reading over my shoulder. Which wouldn’t be so bad, except she has an unusual talent for catching me in the middle of a sex scene. Or finishing an orgasm. Or writing something else really off colour. I’m seriously considering belling...

On setting boundaries: My book is my baby!

First off, a quick Happy Father’s Day to all the dads. I took my brother out for dinner today for his Father’s Day, which is why this post is so darn late. We got talking, we got walking, we got drinking (but just a little…). I do have to admit, we walked so far,...