
Neglected Blog is Sad :(

It’s been a while since my last post. I’ve been working on some stuff, and dealing with the kind of roll-with-the-punches situations that life seems to be throwing at me lately. I’m still playing with brain.fm. I don’t find it quite as effective, but it’s pretty close. I think letting the kid use it...

Don’t Know What Hit Me, But I Like It :)

For a while, back when I started writing, I hit 3.5K words a day, which is pretty good for a noob. Then life happened, I stopped writing for a while, and my brain went to mush. For the past year, 500 words was the best I could manage in a day, even if I...

So Close I Can Taste It

Two passes down, one more to go. I’ve fixed a lot of weird spelling issues that I think have something to do with my keyboard getting ready to die. (I can’t say all of it was the keyboard–at one point I found an entire sentence that had lived on from an earlier draft, and...

Tuesday Tickle: Kev 'n Mo

Kev pulled into the parking lot and held his breath as he hunted a decent parking spot. The best ones were right at the end of the building where the back doors were, or on the edge, in the shade of the trees that dotted the campus. Score! He tucked his seven-year-old Mazda into...