We’re chirping about promoting your work over on Zoe’s blog. Zoe, the queen of promotion. I need to get my butt in gear. And oops on the late posting. It’s been a helluva week.
And James Scott Bell’s Revision and Self-Editing for Publication. 😉 Find us on Ana’s blog.
In honor of the halfway point of NaNo, and with the idea in mind that people will soon be editing their NaNo novels (Right, everyone? No sending it off to the agent on December 1), The Three Dirty Birds is reading James Scott Bell’s Revision and Self-Editing for Publication, 2nd Edition. Kate: I already...
Got the day right this time! Zoe has the weekly recap, and today’s post–On Suspense and Tension. Tune in next week for Revision and Self-Editing for Publication by David Scott Bell.
Apparently I had a brain fart yesterday and thought it was Thursday. So here’s yesterday’s Dirty Birds post on setting.
So, how’s NaNo going for you? Mine’s…eh, I dunno. Admittedly, the fact that I’m getting any words done at all is pretty awesome right now. I’m working 12 hour days with two one-hour drives to and from work, so writing time is pretty limited. But I’m over the 10K hump and hope to hit...
Three Dirty Birds are chirping about Chuck Wendig’s Kick-Ass Writer and what he says about Protagonists. Kate: It was funny. I was watching Curse of the Black Pearl yesterday with the writers’ commentary turned on, and they were talking about how Elizabeth was the protagonist, because everything that happened was because of choices she...
Over at Zoe’s blog. Can I just mention that we’re getting a bit frustrated with Chuck’s book? It’s definitely not meant to be read in large chunks.
As I suspected, day job is doing it’s best to rob my words of their time in the limelight. However, I have managed about 6K, which isn’t up to the minimum, but I’m writing, eh? That’s pretty awesome. So far, I’m just farting around the story figuring out a little more about my boys....
We’re over at Ana’s blog, which as you know is the site for all plotting and mayhem, right? Wait, what do you mean it’s not that kind of plot?