Nano Update

As I suspected, day job is doing it’s best to rob my words of their time in the limelight. However, I have managed about 6K, which isn’t up to the minimum, but I’m writing, eh? That’s pretty awesome.

So far, I’m just farting around the story figuring out a little more about my boys. I’m still not entirely sure of when Kev actually starts looking at Moe as a love interest, though I know it’s before Christmas. Moe figures out he likes Kev a lot sooner than my oblivious little psych student. (Yes, I do love irony. 🙂 )

Parent teacher interviews tonight, then more dayjob stuff, but I’m going to try to squeeze in another thousand words before I fall asleep in my chair. Thank God for coffee.

About the author: Kate Lowell

Has one comment to “Nano Update”

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  1. zrider - November 6, 2014 Reply

    It’s very awesome that you’re writing. This is what you needed—something fresh to work on, something with no history, just clear road ahead of it.

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