A Nano-ing I Shall Go

So, how’s NaNo going for you? Mine’s…eh, I dunno.

Admittedly, the fact that I’m getting any words done at all is pretty awesome right now. I’m working 12 hour days with two one-hour drives to and from work, so writing time is pretty limited. But I’m over the 10K hump and hope to hit 25K by the end of NaNo. Which should put me halfway to having a subbable (sp?) story in the New Year. I won’t win NaNo, but I kicked Writer’s Block’s ass. That’s gotta count for something, right?

Overall, I’m pleased with what I’ve gotten done. I like the characters, figured out the big plot turn at the end, figured out how it’s going to get fixed (sort of–Mo’s in charge of that) and have a couple of fun scenes planned, inspired both by my own college experience and some conversations with the other Dirty Birds. (Ana is well on her way to beating out The Editor in Question as a plot-bunny farm.) Dayjob is annoying me right now because its demands are far beyond my contract, but I’ll deal, because I like having a medical plan. 🙂

And it’s just nice to be writing again. Feel that rush. See the words piling up. I’ll have another Tickle next week from it. I’m having trouble deciding what to post. They’re a funny couple.

About the author: Kate Lowell

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