Conversations With My Editor

This occurred during a conversation where I was apologizing again, because Bite Me is still growing.

Editor: I’m gonna end up with another 96k book to match hers (another of her authors), aren’t I? I always forget you have ones that age!
Me: Yes, yes you are. Sorry. #notsorry Once we have the whole thing to look at, we can see if there’s any pruning.
Editor: Meh. If it needs to be 96k, it needs to be 96k.
Me: Thank you for saying that. I really do get hung up on length. *coughs*
Editor: HAH! Hey, so long as the length is put to good use & isn’t limp, I’m all for it.

About the author: Kate Lowell

6 comments to “Conversations With My Editor”

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  1. Zoe X. Rider - July 17, 2014 Reply

    I had to run and check my book to make sure I wasn’t the one who turned in 96K. Whew! Mine was 94.

    • Kate Lowell - July 17, 2014 Reply

      Sorry to disabuse you, but I think we were talking about you. Weren’t your ears burning sometime around late morning?

      • Zoe X. Rider - July 17, 2014 Reply

        And she says WRITERS are bad at math. I put the 94,000 at the tippy top of the manuscript.

  2. Ana - July 18, 2014 Reply

    Hah, I read this and immediately though ‘must be Zoe’s book.’ (And I’m looking forward to all 94k of that!)

  3. Kate Lowell - July 18, 2014 Reply

    I’m not quite there yet, but I have some seriously silly flirting to write, and a fistfight, and some magical antics. But I’m catching up on her. 😀

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