Conversations With My Editor

Conversations with my Editor

It’s no secret to anyone who’s known me any length of time–I love to tease my editor at Loose Id. Today, because I was bored and restless and itchy because I can’t take meds before my lung function test tomorrow, I sent her this: Me: Hee hee. If Julian was real, he’d so kill...

Conversations With My Editor

Me: Just remember I’ll be in bed by 9. Exam tomorrow. Editor: What time is it there? Me: It’s almost 9, but I’ll be up for a bit* yet. Time passes… Me: Dammit, woman, say something. Or are you efoting? Me: Uh, I mean editing. Editor: I’m efoting. Me: I think I’m keeping that...

Conversations With My Editor

As specific dates come nearer–like submission date, publication date, forgot-to-buy-my-brother-in-law-a Christmas-present date–writers can get a little clingy. And editors are there to talk them down off the ledge. Or maybe drive them over it. Me: The beta readers are trying to kill me. Editor: All the best ones do. Me: Hahaha. I’m worried, after...

Conversations With My Editor

Me: I was considering slipping by the humane society, since the kid wants a rabbit. I’m not sure I want a rabbit, but she’s been asking for a while now. Of course, she also wants a dog. (I might as well build an Ark) Editor: Er, a rabbit might be slightly less trouble. And...

Conversations With My Editor

Me: My mother is coming to visit the end of the week. So if you get a really big UPS parcel, open it quick. I’m a little claustrophobic. Editor: I’ll keep an eye out. Make sure you make enough air holes for yourself. Always looking out for me…

Conversations With My Editor

This occurred during a conversation where I was apologizing again, because Bite Me is still growing. Editor: I’m gonna end up with another 96k book to match hers (another of her authors), aren’t I? I always forget you have ones that age! Me: Yes, yes you are. Sorry. #notsorry Once we have the whole...

Conversations With My Editor

I do seem to have a lot of these… Me: sends (amusing) snippet of Work In Progress to tease editor Editor: You realize that every time you send me stuff like this, I have complete mental images of you snickering madly and talking to yourself while camped out in your office. Me: Umm, did...

Conversations With My Editor

Me: I think I’m doing a Neil Gaiman here, but promise me you’ll help me fix this pile of sh!t into something that resembles a coherent story? Editor: 1) I promise. 2) It’s not a pile of sh!t. 3) That applies regardless of which story you’re talking about. The amount of hand-holding and encouragement...

Conversations with my Editor

In response to Missy Welsh stating that she planned to do her own NanoWriMo in May, June and July and that she was thinking about blogging the process… Me: I would totally rather experience that vicariously. Editor: Me too.Oh wait — that *is* how I experience it. Mwahahahaha! Me: You behave, or we’ll all...