Our great leader, Jen, posted a list of some of the longer stories that have been turned in so far. Here’s what she showed us, along with the content tags that go along with them: Historical- 32,000 some violence, knights spies/secret agents, action suspense, adventure, explicit sex, first time, twinks, cross dressing, abduction/kidnapping, domestic...
So, we got the word today that, so far, 60 stories have been turned in–just about a third of them. The average length is just over 15,000 words. And we are only 30 members short of another early release! So, if you haven’t joined the group yet, please do, so we can have a...
I’m pretty sure the edits are done on Knight. I’m halfway through the synopsis and more than halfway to being bald. How on earth do you condense 95,000 words down to 1500? Without sounding like a moron? By the time I’m done cutting out every word I can think of, it’s going to sound...
So far, I’ve posted a little sexy and, today, a little conflict. Enjoy the boys and don’t forget to follow the links in each post, to see what each author is up to. The content of the threadhop post changes each week, but authors may also post snippets randomly, as they please. Goodreads Happy...
I’m going to post this over on Goodreads too. If you want to follow the threadhop when it starts tomorrow night, here’s the link. My Goodreads Thread Link Here’s the blurb. It’s still kind of rough–I just did it this morning. I’m not sure how long it’s going to end up-right now, it’s at...
Okay, so I got silly the other day and decided I really didn’t have enough work to do. (Yes, I am wearing my dunce cap. How kind of you to notice!) So, I went and organized a thread hop with 6 other writers who are also doing the Love Has No Boundaries write in....