I’m deep into the revisions on this story, so of course that’s where my mind is when I go looking for Tickles. This bit occurs fairly early in the story, on Ben and Ross’s first date. (No guarantees that this will stay in this form, or that it will even appear in the final manuscript....
So, my little weather bomb did a real number on me. RCMP have been asking people to stay off the roads for the past three days, the huge poplar tree in the side yard lost about half it’s branches and everything is covered in half an inch of ice. I’m a little behind in...
I was really shocked today to realise how tense I’ve been over the past month. When I looked back in the spreadsheet, most of April was spent on edits, some of them fairly substantial, as I filled in plot holes and rewrote sections that weren’t doing their jobs properly. The knots in my shoulders...
And immediately started panicking about whether I should have waited another day to send it off. I probably would have changed a few more things, added a few sentences, took a few more out. At this point, though, I’m not sure I wouldn’t do more harm than good. Anyway, Knight is now officially off...
I love Friday. Today, I labelled organic meat for sale. It was a fun time-they’re a crazy crew out at the meat shop where we cut and package our meat to sell. What else did I do today? I posted on Goodreads. Another interview with the poppy boys and another little snippet. I haven’t...
Hubs and I had quite the conversation about this, this morning. Especially interesting, since he’s a white, heterosexual male and we live in the small community where he grew up. That’s not to say he enjoys all the privilege possible–he grew up quite poor, and the son of a European immigrant. But, he’s still...
I’m pretty sure the edits are done on Knight. I’m halfway through the synopsis and more than halfway to being bald. How on earth do you condense 95,000 words down to 1500? Without sounding like a moron? By the time I’m done cutting out every word I can think of, it’s going to sound...
I’ve been head down all weekend, either getting the chores out of the way so I could go through the beta comments, or working on the beta. I’ve been through the first 11 chapters of Knight 3 times since 5 pm yesterday. Woo! Boy, I’m tired. I usually end up in tears at least...
I’m trying to get some more words done on my poppy boys. But people keep sending me pictures of pretty young men. Ben Wishaw, who is a pretty good likeness of my Ross. Or this: Some dude on Shutterstock, who is reasonably like Ben. And then there was the conversation about whether zombies could...
And I can say that honestly. I shipped the last half of Knight off to betas this morning. It’s not perfect and there are a few chapters that haven’t gotten the attention they deserve (mostly because they come at a part of the story where I’m already emotionally exhausted), but it’s pretty much in...