Goodreads Love Has No Boundaries Update

So, we got the word today that, so far, 60 stories have been turned in–just about a third of them. The average length is just over 15,000 words. And we are only 30 members short of another early release! So, if you haven’t joined the group yet, please do, so we can have a sneak preview of the loveliness to come!

Just a reminder that Madison Parker is posting tonight, and that I’ll be posting again tomorrow night on the thread. The next question on the hop is “Where would you be most likely to accidentally run into your MC?” And Robin is getting seriously annoyed with me. 😀

In writing news, despite the flu symptoms that will not go away, I’ve managed a thousand words on Furface and hope to tack another 500 onto the Boyler Room Boys. It’s hard to focus when you’re not comfortable, but we’ll get there. All sorts of shenanigans and Glyn being Glyn going on. And Levi being Levi. And the return of Connor…

About the author: Kate Lowell

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