It’s been a weird week, what with revisions and adding a whole heaping pile of word to Bite Me Tender. I can’t say I’ve gotten a whole lot of wordage done, which makes me cranky, which results in this: I think I got him in the eye, which is awesome, considering I haven’t shot...
I’m officially at 50% of my guesstimate on Furface. (Of course, we all know how accurate that probably is.) I thought I’d celebrate that with a few lines from chapter one, tentatively titled ‘Rattling Cages’. A little bit of Glyn being Glyn, for your entertainment. It’s Date Night: The waitress sat them at their...
‘Cause my brain has run off with my muse to do nasty things, so there’s nothing left to do except drink beer and eat steak. And ice cream. But looky, I did have words this month… I’ll admit that most of them were like pulling teeth, with all the interruptions I had. Hopefully June...
I officially moved into my ‘summer office’ today. This is the view from my floor-to-ceiling ‘window’: That’s right–I’m out on the back deck. And it was a total surprise, because it’s supposed to rain buckets today. Instead, it was sunny enough to get a bit more of the lawn cut with the reel-mower and...
I’m developing a pattern with these two projects. Work on the Boyler Room one day, work on Furface the next. Today was a very wolfish day. I’m learning lots about Connor, who was more a plot device in the last book than a full-fledged character. He seems to be coming into his own in...
There’s mine, in the blue!! Getting excited, and nervous. It’s the usual “What if they hate it?” multiplied by the 10,000 members in the group. At least with a publisher, only one person sees how much you suck. Contemporary – 10,300 * , m/m/m , athlete , college , first-time , bullying , homophobia...
So, we got the word today that, so far, 60 stories have been turned in–just about a third of them. The average length is just over 15,000 words. And we are only 30 members short of another early release! So, if you haven’t joined the group yet, please do, so we can have a...