Ordinarily, I wouldn’t tickle something with so few words in it. But I’ve been watching circus videos this morning and thought, “Why not?” Forastero is #3 of the 4-story set that I’m writing, in a kind of shared-world thing, where I’m only sharing with myself. 😀 The main character used to be a circus...
Oops! Sorry, I’ve been sitting here, doing some editing, and delighting my tastebuds with some Knappoque Castle whiskey. The good news is that I’m sending off the first installment of The Color Club to the fundraising anthology. I’m a bit conflicted–serials are all the rage now, and this setup really lends itself well to...
We had so much fun with the Absolute Write fundraising anthology last year, we’ve decided to do four of them this year. They’re themed around colours: Red, Blue, Green, and Black. If you’re a member of AW and would like to submit a story for one of the anthologies, please check out the thread...
I’ve spent most of today emailing people. Some I know, some I don’t. With the short notice, and my even shorter amount of spare time, today has been an absolute flurry of activity. The first thing I did was pick up a prize for the bloghop. Because Christmas ornaments play a fairly important role...
Keep in mind that I haven’t even looked at the file yet. So I may be panicking for nothing. But I doubt it. I downloaded my emails and there it was, sitting balefully in my email box, scarier than a cornered raccoon or a politician when you try to take his expense account away....