The Terrors of Editing
Keep in mind that I haven’t even looked at the file yet. So I may be panicking for nothing. But I doubt it.
I downloaded my emails and there it was, sitting balefully in my email box, scarier than a cornered raccoon or a politician when you try to take his expense account away. An email from my…editor.
This is a short story–not my natural length–but it was a fun little exercise. The crew on the Erotica forum at the Absolute Write Water Cooler decided to put together a charity anthology and donate the proceeds to the great and wonderful MacAllister, who runs the whole shebang and pays for it too. Considering the incredible amount I have learned and continue to learn over there, I thought it was the least I could do. The anthology had an underground theme and, being a very logical and scientific person, I wrote a story about spelunking. And other types of exploration… 😀
If you haven’t been to Absolute Write, you should check it out. It’s a great community and, even if you don’t write, you will still be welcome. Come visit me on the Erotica forum, and occasionally elsewhere. I’m the fat kitty surrounded by plot bunnies. (Hey, Christmas was tough around here!)