Tuesday Tickle: Forastero

Ordinarily, I wouldn’t tickle something with so few words in it. But I’ve been watching circus videos this morning and thought, “Why not?”

Forastero is #3 of the 4-story set that I’m writing, in a kind of shared-world thing, where I’m only sharing with myself. 😀 The main character used to be a circus performer in Las Vegas, doing aerial silks and hoop, but then…

As soon at the music lilted into existence, as soon as he got his hands on the lengths of fabric, all his cares fell away. Here, he was free. Here, he was himself.

He started out standing in place, rocking back and forth gently with the music, using the material to keep himself upright. The music grew louder, and he let himself lean forward, his arms stretched behind him, head down like he was exhausted. Slowly, he dragged his toes over the boards of the stage until he could place his foot directly underneath him. He straightened his leg, his hands gliding up the silks in a lover’s embrace, and he brought the other leg forward to join the first.

It was time. Throwing his head back, he bent his knees and leapt upward into the dance.

And, if you watch this video, the main character performs both of these drops in the story, though not one right after the other.

About the author: Kate Lowell

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