New Books For Me!

booksjune14As if my TBR pile isn’t big enough.

Story Trumps Structure I heard about on another blog. It purports to be a writing process book for pantsers. I haven’t had a chance to get into it yet, but the recommendations are enthusiastic. It’s been a while since I’ve read anything about craft, so I’m looking forward to another viewpoint on the process, and maybe picking up a few pointers.

Confessions of a Sociopath is research for my Byzantine fantasy world, and one of the main characters. I’ve worked with people I could confidently identify as sociopaths, but it needs more than that to be able to accurately write one. I have several scholarly texts on the topic of sociopaths and psychopaths, but this is the story of someone who actually is a sociopath. While the other books will provide the limits and possibilities of the character, I’m looking to this one to provide the voice.

Three-quarters through final revisions on the werewolves before I send it off to beta. Waiting to hear from Storm Moon on whether they’re still interested in the sequel to the weresquirrel. And having strange conversations with my editor that result in me being told to go set something on fire.

Okay, back to the trenches.

About the author: Kate Lowell

6 comments to “New Books For Me!”

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  1. Zoe X. Rider - June 11, 2014 Reply

    Story Trumps Structure looks interesting! ~whips out credit card~

  2. Kate Lowell - June 11, 2014 Reply

    i’ll let you know what I think of it. I’m still waiting for the courier to show up with my garden zombie, so I’ll probably be reading out in the front yard, to make sure I don’t miss him today.

  3. the editor in question - June 19, 2014 Reply

    I need a garden zombie. I’d feel bad about not having, y’know, a *garden* to put him in, but considering he’s a zombie and all, I feel like he shouldn’t really be picky.

  4. Kate Lowell - June 20, 2014 Reply

    I should take a picture of him, once the nasturtiums come up around him. He looks pretty good. Now I want the rest of them, and the Godzilla one, too.

  5. the editor in question - June 20, 2014 Reply

    Now, see, a garden Godzilla would be too much for the OCD to resist. I’d have to spend the next five years building a miniature Tokyo for him to destroy.

  6. Kate Lowell - June 20, 2014 Reply

    Who says I won’t? He has to come back in stock first. 🙁

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