Cyber Monday is the best! You get half of everything you spend at All Romance Ebooks back in credits to spend again. Like getting a book and a half with every purchase! (I know, I’m being silly. But I have a few I’ve had my eye on, and now I can go buy them!)...
Loose Id: $4.79 Amazon: $4.76 All Romance: $4.49 This is pretty cool, because I was putting words on the sequel last night. Poor Glyn. That wolf of his is like that one friend that’s always right about stuff, but never knows when to shut up.
Just a few lines tonight. Writing’s been a hit-or-miss kind of project lately, with more misses than hits. Writer’s block–or, rather, depression masquerading as writer’s block (so I can feel even worse about myself, right? Depression’s a shady bitch.). I’ve learned to recognize it for what it is, which is half the battle. I...
One of the things you don’t always realize when you start writing, is that every story, whether thriller, scifi, fantasy or romance, follows the Hero’s Journey. We give it lots of names–character arc, plot arc, character growth–but it comes down to the same set of steps pretty much every time. I still remember the...
So, yeah, I took a staycation from the blog on Friday. Although, it was probably a good thing for the mental health of everyone around me, since I was in such a foul mood. See, I went on a bird watching boat tour on Wednesday, which was pretty cool, and I left with the...
Sorry for the blackout this weekend. I woke up Saturday morning, turned on the computer and…nothing. The fan started, lights came on, but the screen was dead. Of course, the technicians don’t work on weekends, so it was yesterday before I got confirmation that the motherboard was fried, and today before I could get...
I’m developing a pattern with these two projects. Work on the Boyler Room one day, work on Furface the next. Today was a very wolfish day. I’m learning lots about Connor, who was more a plot device in the last book than a full-fledged character. He seems to be coming into his own in...
I woke up this morning to the alarm, like usual. The first thought in my head (and I must have been dreaming–it’s the only explanation I have) was that it was Sunday. Then I thought, “Wait, no, it can’t be Sunday. Ah, it’s Saturday! Awesome! I have two whole days off!” So, I shut...