#RainbowSnippets: Rise of the Alpha Squirrel

In keeping with the hummingbird theme, I thought I’d give you a slightly better intro to Charlie. He’s not in the scene yet, but Nathan is trying to prepare Vince for his first encounter with a were other than Nathan.
“A hummingbird?” Vince’s expression was incredulous. “You’re kidding me.”
“What? You can believe in a squirrel shifter, but not a hummingbird?” There was movement in the trees, a flash of pale skin, getting closer.
“Listen, he’s got a bit of a Napoleon complex—all hummingbirds do. Don’t make fun of him being a bit on the small side, it just gets him all worked up and then he’s impossible to live with.”
“A hummingbird with a temper.”
Assuming everything goes to plan, Alpha Squirrel should go on pre-order on February 15, and be available for sale on February 25. Keep an eye open for the blog tour, as well. We’re posting excerpts from a couple of books written by a team of weres with doctorates (And yes, they’re exactly as wordy and pretentious as you expect.), who have produced a series of self-help books to help weres integrate into human society.
Check out the rest of our Snippets–there’s some really great ones that will make you need a second TBR pile!
22 comments to “#RainbowSnippets: Rise of the Alpha Squirrel”
P.T. Wyant - February 6, 2016
Oh, this is going to be fun!
“A hummingbird with a temper.”
I can’t wait for this to be released.
Kate Lowell - February 6, 2016
Cheryl - February 6, 2016
Oh, I SO want to meet Charlie. He sounds like a very interesting character. Not that Nathan isn’t. I love his comment
Kate Lowell - February 6, 2016
Charlie’s kind of fun. But Vince puts the two of them firmly in their place. He’s like the alpha human. 🙂 One of these days I’ll have to ask Charlie to tell me a story of one of his romantic adventures. When I’ve got a free month or two to listen to him. He didn’t get the nickname Chatterbox Charlie for nothing.
Layla Dorine - February 6, 2016
I hummingbird with a Nepolean complex and a temper, that’s hilarious!
Kate Lowell - February 6, 2016
Well, they’re very small and feisty. And once you meet Jude, you’ll know where the Napolean complex comes from.
Rebecca James - February 6, 2016
Cute! Such a novel idea.
Kate Lowell - February 6, 2016
Thank you!
Lila Leigh Hunter - February 6, 2016
I’m loving all these unconventional weres of yours. So cute and feisty.
Kate Lowell - February 6, 2016
You’re going to love the twins then. 😀
Dianne Hartsock - February 7, 2016
This is great! I read your first book and loved it. Can’t wait for this one!
Kate Lowell - February 7, 2016
Oh, I’m glad to hear that. We get to see a bit more of were culture in this one–just a peek, because things tend to go haywire in large crowds of weres, but what can you do?
Louise Lyons - February 7, 2016
Charlie sounds great. I love the first book, by the way. Read it last week. Vince was amazing 🙂
Kate Lowell - February 7, 2016
Thank you. I love Vince. He’s trying so, so hard. But nothing’s straightforward when you’re dealing with weres.
Amy Rae Durreson - February 7, 2016
I love Vince’s reactions. It sounds like he’s trying so hard to process all this 🙂
Kate Lowell - February 7, 2016
He’s working really hard at this. And, down deep, he’s a really decent guy.
Jana Denardo - February 7, 2016
I’m laughing so hard at this. This is going to be such a fun story.
Kate Lowell - February 7, 2016
So far, the beta readers are giving it two thumbs up, so I’m cautiously optimistic. 🙂
Rian - February 8, 2016
I really can’t wait to meet the little darling! Vince does sound like a man capable of handling me re than one sweet shifter ^^
Kate Lowell - February 8, 2016
Oh dear. Don’t say ‘little darling’ around Charlie. He’ll get quite upset…
R. Phoenix - February 11, 2016
Definitely had to laugh at the “hummingbird with a temper” comment. Can’t wait to see more!
Kate Lowell - February 11, 2016
Lol, thanks. Real hummingbirds are actually cranky little fellows. Charlie’s kind even-tempered–for a hummingbird.