Tuesday Tickle: Flesh Market
This will be the last Tuesday Tickle for FM, until it’s ready to publish. 🙂 I’m finishing my first pass through it before it goes off to the editor. There’ll be two more before I’m done and, at that point, I’ll be chasing it out the door with a broom, shrieking, “Get up, get out, and get a job!”
He (Leo) turned his head to stare at the bathroom door. Julian had been in there for a long time. The shower was still going.
Leo rolled off the bed and went to the door. He knocked.
“Come in.”
Leo opened the door and was engulfed in steam. He felt his way into the room and sat down on the toilet. “You okay?”
The shower curtain slid back. Julian sat in the middle of the tub, his arms wrapped around his legs and his hair streaming water all down his face. “Not particularly, but I’ll get better.” His mouth pinched off the last word, as if he didn’t quite believe himself, but was trying really hard.
“I have a copy of the hard drive.”
“Is it on there?” Julian shoved his hair out of his eyes. His expression brightened and he leaned toward Leo.