Holy Crap, it's Friday already?

This week has gone by at a breakneck pace. Thanks to everyone who’s made Bite Me Tender #39 on ARe’s Paid Werewolf/Shifter Romance list. Thanks to those who bought BMT during it’s first week at Loose Id–I just got my royalty statement and I’m very happy with the numbers. I think they’re pretty good for a newbie/unknown. Thanks to the Amazon customers, who give me a small boost every day.

Edits on the squirrel have gone back to the publisher. No significant changes, except to bring the grammar in line with house preferences. Cool. I hope you like Vince and Nathan. Although, apparently, Nathan was all drunk and hanging out on the wing of John Scalzi’s plane today, which worries me a bit. Vince needs to keep him on a short leash whenever he gets to running around with his hummingbird friend, Charlie. I bet if John had looked closely, he would have seen a little green hummingbird, all buzzed up on caffeine and flying around the plane.

My brother gifted me with a very nice surround sound system, that I have no idea how to set up. And I think I need a new TV to go with it. Mine is old, because I prefer reading to watching TV, and so it hardly ever gets turned on. Probably a bribe, or compensation for the number of catfights that have occurred in my house over the last two weeks. His cats just don’t learn–downstairs is my cat’s territory, upstairs is theirs. But two in the morning is not the time to be sorting out your differences, kitty cats.

Anyway, still working on Christmas pieces. Now that it’s starting to get cooler, hopefully it’ll be easier to get into the mood.

Have a great long weekend everyone!

About the author: Kate Lowell

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