Let the Countdown (and the first release jitters) Begin!

That’s right–Bite Me Tender has a release date.

August 13.

Yeah, I’m a little excited. Like, this excited.


Cover isn’t in yet, which I hope means good things, because one of the possible cover ideas I threw out there was one that would need to be drawn by hand, or computer. And it was, to be perfectly honest, the best of the three options I held up as suggestions. Regardless, I’m sure I’ll love it, and so will you, when it lands in my hot little hands (so long as it doesn’t melt!).

I’m working on setting up some blog posts, too. I played with a little calendar app the other day and, on the right hand side of the screen, there’s a little feed that shows upcoming events. I’ll add more as I know what’s going on.

Oh, and because I love to share the joy…

flypigWe have liftoff!

Don’t forget to check back in tomorrow morning, when there’ll be a surprise and a present for you all!

About the author: Kate Lowell

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