It's a lot like baseball…

Writing, that is. Long periods of sitting around waiting for something to happen, punctuated by short periods of intense “oh, my God, I must get this done”. And, in the meantime, keeping up with the daily grind of getting words down on new work.

I’m still trying to finish the Christmas story I started with the idea of sending it in for Dreamspinner’s Advent Calendar, but the world keeps shouldering its way into my writing time. It’s almost done, probably no more than five hundred words away, but, getting in the Christmas spirit in June is an interesting exercise in self-hypnosis. My husband gave me some funny looks this morning when he looked over my playlist–Straight No Chaser’s Christmas album, Jim Reeves, A Very Special Christmas. He didn’t say much, but he didn’t need to.

He thinks I’m nuts. (He’s right.) Once I get this finished, I need to point my subconscious at the genderfluid angel story and see what I can kick loose. Hoeing weeds in hub’s market garden today shook one idea free. I probably need a few words down before I can tease any more threads loose.

Working on the bisexual rock star story and playing with a new technique, which may be a bit beyond my capabilities at the moment. I’ve got two characters, from very different backgrounds, who have very different vocabulary sets as a result. How much of that vocabulary to allow bleed into the narrative for each POV is a more delicate balancing act than I had anticipated. It’ll be totally cool if I can pull it off, though.

And into the middle of all that, edits for Bite Me Tender dropped into my mailbox, with a requested return of Monday morning. Eek! Add into it, my editor is evil plotbunny fodder and conversations with her inevitably result in me hiding in the corner in the ‘nuclear explosion’ position, hoping the bunnies get bored and go away.

It never works.

Wishing everyone a great weekend and lots of words, both written and read. And sunshine.

About the author: Kate Lowell

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  1. photosbyandy - June 28, 2013 Reply

    that is a good comparison…never thought of it like that before

  2. Kate Lowell - June 28, 2013 Reply

    I’m finding it very true. Lots of practice and working on your craft, lots of waiting, and brief periods of panic. I expect it applies to other art forms, too. This is just the one I’m most familiar with.

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