In my last couple of snippets, we met cute, fluffy, nut-obsessed Nathan, and his hot-as-roasted-chestnuts love interest Vince. This snippet comes from the beginning of the sequel, Rise of the Alpha Squirrel. If you’ve read Nuts About You, you know that at the beginning of Alpha Squirrel, Nathan sneaks into Vince’s home and plays...
Debra! Debra’s very own Nathan has been ordered and should be there in a week or so. 🙂 a Rafflecopter giveaway
A new cover! Book Two of Nutty Romances — a little more squirrel nuttiness, and a whole bunch more shifters. 🙂
Nathan’s Canadian cousins after the storm. One more day to win this little dude:
A bad case of mistaken identity. Or maybe not. In Rise of the Alpha Squirrel, Nathan gets a chance to investigate Vince’s shorts while in squirrel form. Maybe that’s where this image comes from. 😀
In Canada, winter is always coming. I wonder if that’s where Nathan’s from?
The most adorable stuffed squirrel shifter ever. 🙂 This is a picture of the prize in the Rafflecopter found at the right-hand side of the page. The winner gets this squirrel, wearing a bandana with Nathan’s signature phrase “Oh My Walnuts!” written on it. There’s still a few days left, so enter as often...
If you’ve stumbled across any of the book blast posts for Nuts about You recently, I included a short excerpt of Nathan peeping at Vince in the shower. For today’s Rainbow Snippet, I wanted to post the next 6 lines of the book, which include the infamous were-sponge reference. 😀 Nathan’s mouth fell open...
More Jedi squirrel tricks! Now, if he could only do that with the sunflower seeds. But then he’d have no excuse to hang out in Vince’s feeders. 🙂
Nathan. Peeking in your window. Using squirrel Jedi mind tricks to send you to places like Nathan’s been crushing on one of his regular Bulk Mart customers for a while now. In squirrel form, he sits on Vince’s bird feeders, munching on seeds and enjoying the eye candy. Until the day...