Kate Lowell

Blurb for the Poppy boys

I’m going to post this over on Goodreads too. If you want to follow the threadhop when it starts tomorrow night, here’s the link. My Goodreads Thread Link Here’s the blurb. It’s still kind of rough–I just did it this morning. I’m not sure how long it’s going to end up-right now, it’s at...

Bill Geist and Mommy Porn

Okay, this made my day. You have to watch him–he’s hilarious! But when he starts asking about putting ordinary guys on the covers of these books, watch the male model–what an expression! http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=50143476n Sorry I can’t embed the thing–if it was Youtube, apparently this would be no problem. I can see the light at...

Look what I bought today!

My brother is a cruel man. He gave me a gift certificate to Think Geek for Christmas. $40. Which is awesome, until you realize that $40 is the sweet spot where so much is possible, but only makes you want more. Think Geek is like crack for, well–geeks. I was originally going to buy the...

The Very Inspiring Blogger Award

Apparently, I’ve been hit again with the blogger version of an internet snowball chain.  This time, it’s the VIB award. I thought it was appropriate, though, coming right after The Next Big Thing.  A bit of info about the story, then a bit of info about the author. So, here goes: Facts about me:...