I’m going to post this over on Goodreads too. If you want to follow the threadhop when it starts tomorrow night, here’s the link. My Goodreads Thread Link Here’s the blurb. It’s still kind of rough–I just did it this morning. I’m not sure how long it’s going to end up-right now, it’s at...
Okay, so I got silly the other day and decided I really didn’t have enough work to do. (Yes, I am wearing my dunce cap. How kind of you to notice!) So, I went and organized a thread hop with 6 other writers who are also doing the Love Has No Boundaries write in....
I’m nose to the grindstone, getting Knight ready to go out to betas at the end of this weekend, so I’m going to be pretty absent from everywhere until I can click send. I have to say, my critique group has been invaluable in both smoothing out and catching issues, but also in showing...
You know, that moment when you take the new squeeze out and all your friends come to inspect the goods? And there’s always that one friend that feels that they have to make sure of the new squeeze’s intentions, like it was the 1850’s and you’re some virginal young thing without a brain cell...
Okay, this made my day. You have to watch him–he’s hilarious! But when he starts asking about putting ordinary guys on the covers of these books, watch the male model–what an expression! http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=50143476n Sorry I can’t embed the thing–if it was Youtube, apparently this would be no problem. I can see the light at...
My brother is a cruel man. He gave me a gift certificate to Think Geek for Christmas. $40. Which is awesome, until you realize that $40 is the sweet spot where so much is possible, but only makes you want more. Think Geek is like crack for, well–geeks. I was originally going to buy the...
So, I figure it’s time to meet the rockstar, or at least, the soon to be Love-of-His-Life. Je veux… is the story of farmboy from Iowa, who moved away to Los Angeles six years ago with the dream of becoming a doctor, and a French Canadian rockstar from the wrong side of the tracks...
So, January is over and I made my wordcount goal. Surpassed it, actually. The only fly in the ointment is that, if it had all been in Knight, I’d be in edits right now. Only about half of it went on the one story with a deadline. Go figure. Stress, stress, stress. I wrote...
I mean, how do you go about nursing the germ of an idea into a full-blown short story/novella/novel? Are you an outliner, a panzter or something in between? Me, I’m a panzter. Totally, completely. Not only that, but I’m a loop-de-loop pantzer. many years ago, before I learned to trust my own instincts, I...
Apparently, I’ve been hit again with the blogger version of an internet snowball chain. This time, it’s the VIB award. I thought it was appropriate, though, coming right after The Next Big Thing. A bit of info about the story, then a bit of info about the author. So, here goes: Facts about me:...