99 Cent deal on ‘Til Death Do Us Part!

Addison is a member of my critique group. As you can tell, she is far more competent with the HTML than I am. 🙂

Today Only!

Get ’Til Death Do Us Part by Addison Albright in ebook format for only 99¢ at JMS Books, LLC.

99¢ Deal of the Day - ’Til Death Do Us Part 2016-07-31


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JMS Books, LLC



Henry and Sam Miller-Greene are living the dream. They love their careers — which afford each of them opportunities to travel to exotic locations — they love their home, Sam’s caring family, and each other. They disagree on the subject of adoption, but are fully committed to each other in marriage … ’Til Death Do Us Part.

The dream is shattered when Henry’s plane crashes, and he’s presumed dead. But four people — Henry, two other men, and a child — survive undetected on a remote, small, and insignificant island. Will Sam and Henry’s love be able to survive as well?

Henry fights to endure in harsh conditions, never knowing when disaster will strike. Sam struggles with his loss, but with help moves on with his life. Will Sam be able to put aside his new love when he reunites with Henry?


What people are saying about this book

’Til Death Do Us Part is a “Top Pick” by Ana at The Rainbow Reviews, where she said: “This is one of the most beautiful books I’ve ever read. It was an absolute roller-coaster of emotions, an exceedingly captivating story of love and loss. It was simply amazing.

’Til Death Do Us Part is a “Recommended Read” by Dyllan at Gay Book Reviews, where she said: I really, really, really liked this story.

Camille at Joyfully Jay M/M Romance Reviews and More said: “I haven’t turned pages so damn hard since Stanford shot Griffin and Alec chose Seregil!!” … I recommend this book to everyone!

Freya at Sinfully—Gay Romance Book Reviews said: “I have to say that the emotional trauma is extremely well done. On more than one occasion, I had a lump in my throat.” … “Bravo.

Bethany at Rainbow Gold Reviews said: “I read this book in one sitting, ’cause that is how it captivated me, dragging me in and not letting me go till I found out what would happen next.” … “The writing is fantastic, very descriptive and has great story building.

Belen at Gay Book Reviews said: “…in the end this was filled with humor, emotion and hope and I eagerly turned each page to find out what happened next.”… “Bottom line: I enjoyed it thoroughly and I will definitely be checking out something else by Addison Albright.”

’Til Death Do Us Part is a “Recommended Read” by Dee at Love Bytes Reviews, where she said: “Reading about the plane going down had me on the edge of my seat.” … “It held my attention from start to finish. Would I recommend this story as one of love and survival? Hell yes!”

Meredith at Diverse Reader said: “My heart broke a billion times reading this.” … “I often found myself an emotional mess!” … “If you love angst then you’ll love this book.”

Giles West at Multitaskingmomma said: “It’s never a bad thing when a story can elicit such emotions from a reader.” … “’Til Death Do Us Part is a great read with interesting characters.” … “It’s a book I definitely recommend.

Ida at MM Book Escape said: “I was a goner from the first page and had so much trouble putting this book down.” … “I cannot recommend this book enough. I really enjoyed this author’s writing style.”

At Inked Rainbow Reads, Angie said: “This book was filled with all kinds of emotions and was a beautiful love story.” – Keri said: “The whole story kept me on my toes with tears doming from a happy place and a saddened place. It kept me turning page after page after page without stopping.– and Tosha said: “Great read. I really enjoyed it.”


About Addison

Addison Albright is a writer/author living in the middle of the USA with three peculiar cats. Her stories are gay (sometimes erotic) romance, and tend to be sweet man-love in contemporary settings. Her education includes a BS in Education with a major in Mathematics and a minor in Chemistry. Addison loves spending time with her family, reading, popcorn, boating, french fries, “open window weather,” cats, math, and anything chocolate. She loves to read pretty much anything and everything, anytime and anywhere.

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About the author: Kate Lowell

Has one comment to “99 Cent deal on ‘Til Death Do Us Part!”

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  1. Addison Albright - July 31, 2016 Reply

    Thank you for posting, Kate! 😀

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