Guest Releases

Ardent is here!

Releasing February 1, 2017 from Manifold Press! Hot Italian Renaissance painters. Do I really need to say more?   Barnes and Noble Manifold Press Kobo   What it’s about: In the village of Torrenta, master painter Morello has created a color that mimics the most expensive pigment of all, the crimson red. Master Zeno, from...

99 Cent deal on ‘Til Death Do Us Part!

Addison is a member of my critique group. As you can tell, she is far more competent with the HTML than I am. 🙂 Today Only! Get ’Til Death Do Us Part by Addison Albright in ebook format for only 99¢ at JMS Books, LLC. JMS Books, LLC Blurb Henry and Sam Miller-Greene are...

Surprise! It’s Just a Week by Jena Wade

Jena stepped into the breach for another author and her new book, Just A Week, has come out a week early! (I could make the obvious pun, but it’s already been done, lol.) It’s a cute story, kind of an opposites attract/don’t judge a book by its cover/you never know where you’re gonna find...

Cover Reveal for A.L. Boyd: Soaring Hearts

A.L. is a member of my critique group. It’s fun to watch a story you’ve seen go through the critique process as it gets ready to head out into the world and meet readers. She’s finalized the cover–which I think is gorgeous–and it’s a lovely story. She hasn’t decided on a release date yet,...

If I Were Fire by Heloise West

Coming from Dreamspinner Press September 16, 2015 I’m not a huge reader of historicals, but read that excerpt and tell me that you don’t want to rush right out and hit that pre-order button. 🙂 What’s it about? In 18th century Siena, Count Salvesto Masello has returned home to find the family villa and...

Cover Reveal: Circling Back by Amanda Young

I’d like to welcome Amanda to the blog for her big cover reveal. Amanda also writes for Loose Id. I’m really looking forward to the MM scenes between those two boys.  Don’t you just want to lick them?     Genre: M/M/F Erotic Romance Book Release Date:  August 10th What it’s about: A second chance...

Guest Release: Claimed by Love by Skye Jones

   Hi, Kate, Thanks for hosting me today.          New Release news! Claimed by Desire is now out. Broken by the loss of his mate, wolf shifter Dylan returns to his birthplace in Wales with only one thing on his mind…revenge. When Aeron enters his life, their intense attraction is too powerful to...

Guest Post: Disappear With Me by Dean Pace-Frech

Dean is happy to announce that the Second Edition of Disappear With Me is available from Amber Quill Press!   What it’s about: Love is greater than hope or faith, but can Reverend Leander Norris convince a jury that the love he shares with another man is natural? In 1910, the United Kingdom was in...