Alpha Squirrel Blog Tour Day 3

12583801_1673532822885388_1966367572_n Day three takes us to the following blogs, and their excerpts from the Shifting Times Bestselling Parenting book Your New Life as a New Adult:
Nephy Hart
Bonkers About Books
Open Skye Book Reviews
My Fiction Nook

You can go here to enter the Rafflecopter for your very own werehummingbird with a Napoleon complex, and to catch up on the rest of the tour.

In Tales from Real Life, putting the new flue in was great. It’s nice to be able to light the wood furnace without that nagging concern that this time will be the time I set the house on fire. But, with all the dust and insulation floating in the air, the lung monster has reared it’s ugly head and all I want to do is sleep, so there’s not much happening on the word front. I did make it 7.5 thousand words on Proud Flesh this weekend. You’re all going to hate me–I’m just warning you to take the sting out of it. And The Wall Nuts–the third story about Nathan–is sitting at about 5K. I should get it up in the progress bars, but I’m starting to get a bit embarrassed about how many there are. And there’s more I could throw up there too, but I’m trying to focus. (Hahahahaha!) I would like to get the little science fiction story finished, but the culture is giving me fits and I can’t find my story bible for it. It’s probably in a pile of papers somewhere. Maybe a nap this afternoon will loosen up enough energy to get some words down. 🙂

About the author: Kate Lowell

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