Tuesday Tickle: Rise of the Alpha Squirrel

Still muddling along, struggling to make the words come out. Spent most of the last couple of days dealing with weather related emergencies–the top of my head is now higher than the barn when I get up on the drift between the house and the paddock. (It’s a heck of a snow slide, though! Wheeeee!)

Thought I’d throw this little bit out there, introduce you to Charlie, the werehummingbird. (Hey, it’s not as weird as a werecockroach.)

Nathan moved the coffee cups to one end of the table and sat. “Pull the shorts up, Charlie, for the love of walnuts, and sit down. And don’t get any bright ideas about my coffee.”

“Tasted funny anyway. Not enough sugar.” Charlie pulled the shorts up and awkwardly straddled the seat. “That yours?” He jerked his chin in the direction of the tent.

“Yes, he is. No bright ideas about him, either.”

“No wonder you were trying to give me the slip at the store.”

“Then why didn’t you take the hint, birdbrain?”

“Don’t call me that! And if you were being that closed-mouthed, I figured it had to be something pretty good.” Charlie propped his head on his hand with a satisfied grin. “It totally is. He’s hot. He got a brother? I don’t mind a little inter-species dating.”

About the author: Kate Lowell

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