Rainy Sunday Roundup

Plan for the day:

1. Housework, before CFS hunts me down and steals my child. Not that they’d keep her–if you’ve never read O. Henry’s Red Chief story, you should. My life. I felt for those kidnappers.

2. Read, because I have Lori Witt’s and Aleks Voinov’s new Market Garden book singing its siren song on my ereader.

3. Another pass through BMT to fix up loose ends.

4. I need to find a birthday present for my 5-year-old niece. And stuffed animals are a no-no.

5. Maybe write some more on the Christmas story, because it’s sweet and hopeful and after upping the angst and “Oh crap!” level of BMT this weekend, I need a little sweet.

B.D. Heywood, a member of my crit group who self-publishes her work, has a guest post on Beyond Romance, talking about how she got into writing yaoi-style MM Romance. And she’s doing a give-away! So go read and enter!

About the author: Kate Lowell

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