If hubs could see my search history…

he would totally be wondering what was going on.

Restraining orders, miranda rights, youth detention centers, guns–and guns again. Courtesans, kama sutra, social classes in 16th century Italy. Therapist specializing in trauma and domestic violence. Drawing maps. Meteorology. Police driver training. DUI assessment training. Federal forestry weapons regulations. What kind of guns do conservation enforcement officers carry? S.W.A.T. tactics, sniper regulations, entry team tactics, entry when in the presence of minors.

Let alone all the reading I’ve been doing on just everyday police procedures and stalking. Fun stuff.

I was a little disappointed the other day when the biography of Veronica Franco arrived and it turns out to be one of those publisher misprints–you know, where you get the cover of one book, but the inside is another one entirely? It’s a lovely cover, but the book inside is useless. I’m going to see if I can find it somewhere else, but in the meantime I’m in negotiations to return it to the online bookstore I ordered it from.

And I made myself totally sick today, eating something I shouldn’t have eaten, so only 700 words on Knight. 🙁 But it’s hard to write when your insides are trying to become your outsides :mrgreen:

About the author: Kate Lowell

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