Oh, the weather outside is frightful…
Here`s my back yard:
Yes, the fogginess is not the camera–that’s snow.
Here’s my old rescue pony:
Dude, you’re thirty years old! You should know by now to keep all appendages within the barn during a snowstorm! And it’s never a good idea to open the barn door in the middle of the night, when the unfurry mom is not there to close it again. Look at the mess you made!
But it’s not all a bad thing. My bathroom sparkles, the laundry is folded (though, sadly, the housework fairy has failed to fly in and put it away–I’m assuming she’s having weather related travel issues as well) and we had a power outage. Why is a power outage a good thing?
My laptop battery is pretty old and feeble, so I had to power through the edits on Nuts About You before it kicked the bucket on me. Therefore, apart from waiting to hear back from the last of my betas, the only thing left is to format according to Storm Moon Press’ submission instructions, and click send. Yay for me! And, while I was waiting for a fresh delivery of mobile electrons, I also filled in a quasi-outline for the rest of Knight and started filling one in for If/Then. And now, Marcel (secondary character) makes me nervous. I’m a little worried that I might be Mary Sue-ing on that one, but I’m not sure that I’m annoyed enough with anyone right now to do that to them (except possibly my insurance agent, but that’s another story). And anyway, what’s the point of writing if you can’t redshirt a few people that annoy you, right? I wouldn’t do it in real life.
Technology isn’t nearly advanced enough yet. >:D
Oh, and apologies for missing my usual Sunday post–massive sinus headache all day long, to the point where I skipped supper and was in bed at 8 pm. Hubs knew I had to be sick–I never turn down food.
Happy storm day to those enjoying a surprise reprieve from work! Condolences to those who had the darn thing happen on a holiday. What a waste of a good storm.
Kitty, eyeing the cookies and hot chocolate
No comment to “Oh, the weather outside is frightful…”
Mrs Fever - February 18, 2013
I love that you have a rescue pony. 🙂
Kate Lowell - February 18, 2013
Thanks! I got him three and half years ago. The vet told us he only had two weeks to live, he was so starved. Literally, hide stretched over bones. He’s got the life of Riley now, though–two blankets, hot breakfast and supper served everyday, all day cold hay buffet and a hot little girlfriend (and she’s a redhead!). And does no work for it at all, except mow the lawn a bit in the summer. And look adorable.
Mrs Fever - February 18, 2013
So sweet. 🙂
Since my husband and I got together, all of our pets have been rescues. We know NOTHING about horses, but we financially support a charitable horse rescue in our area, and some of the beautiful creatures that find sanctuary there have survived horrendous conditions.
It’s amazing how love can turn two weeks into three and a half years. 🙂