The "Try It, You Might Like It" Free book giveaway

Author L.A. Witt is having a book giveaway to encourage people who haven’t yet tried an MM romance to try one out. She’s also offering a draw on a $25 gift certificate to Amazon for everyone who enters. The rules are easy: if you’ve never read an MM romance before, simply go to Witt’s site, look at the list of books (some have already been claimed) and leave a comment with your first and second choices. It’s first come, first served, so get there quick. There’s still some on there that I’ve read and can recommend. Witt’s own Nobel Metals, a steampunk story, is still available as I write. The Christmas Throwaway is a nice romance, with very little actual sex, for those who would prefer a heart-warming story to a sexy romp.

Babes in Boyland are also giving away books. Simply click on the link, leave a comment with your email address and, on Valentine’s Day, they are going to do a draw for an amazing variety of electronic and paperback books. Plus some other goodies, including the opportunity to name a character in one of Rhys Ford’s books.

With the winter storm weather upon us, wouldn’t it be nice to have a book, or five, to curl up with while the wind howls outside?

Kitty, hanging by the woodstove

About the author: Kate Lowell

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