Off to Editor Number Two!

I wasn’t sure I was going to get anything done today, since the kitten has been up throwing up since 6 am, but she fell asleep again on the couch, so I dug into my rapidly growing pile of I’m-so-behind.

Just clicked send on the edited version of my contribution to the Absolute Write erotica anthology. Love that moment when you make a change and the screen shifts, because you just dealt with the last comment bubble. I’m not crazy about some of the changes I had to make, to fix the issues pointed out to me, but we’ll see what Editor #2 has to say. I’d like Jaime and Henry to have a well-written story. And it was definitely a learning “smack up the side of the head”. 😀

Funny, I’d kind of forgotten how much I liked those guys, although we don’t get to spend much time with them. I should write some more about those two. I know, there was this one time…

Ouch! Damn plot bunnies have sharp teeth!


About the author: Kate Lowell

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