Tuesday Tickle: Bite Me Tender
So, it’s time for a Tuesday Tickle. This exerpt is from Bite Me Tender, an MM paranormal erotic romance, with werewolves and witches. It comes very early in the novella, within the first couple of pages. To put it in context, Levi is a werewolf and lives with his boyfriend Glyn, who is a witch. Glyn is also an accountant (it’s much sexier than you’d think) and the story takes place over the course of a few days just before a full moon and near the end of tax season. Tax season = long days for accountants.
Like so many of us, Glyn is generally not at his best when overtired and overworked. As Levi would say, “Don’t poke the sleep-deprived witch.” But, today is Saturday and Glyn can sleep in–if Levi can manage to sneak out of the bedroom without waking him…
As he was easing out the bedroom door, he heard the bedsprings creak behind him.
“Hey, gorgeous,” he said, turning around warily.
“Where are you sneaking off to?” Glyn asked. He sat up in the bed, wearing only his sly smile and the crumpled sheets. Sunshine from the window turned his ash blond hair to gold. Levi loved looking at him in the sunshine, the way it dusted his skin in a honeyed halo and lit up the creamy undertones of his skin. One leg spilled out from under the cloth, all long bones and graceful curve of muscle. His eyes intent on Levi’s, Glyn leaned back, resting his weight on his hands, and propped his leg up, giving Levi an unobstructed view of the curve of his ass as it disappeared into the tangled sheets.
Aaaaand, you can probably guess where this ends up going. I have to say, these two were entertaining to write. I never knew who was going to be the boss in any scene. Which, if I’m being honest, made for some WTF? moments, but also made for some of the better parts of the story.
So, you have choice for the next Tuesday Tickle. Contemporary, scifi, fantasy or more werewolves? Your choice–leave your ballot in the comments.
Have a great week! See you all again on Friday.