Pop over to Inlinks to catch all the links to all the stories! I went literal with the concept of Summer Madness, by the way, instead of writing a summer fling. But when witches are involved, it’s all madness. 🙂 Bongos Glyn turned from wiping up the countertop and nearly jumped out of his...
Eva Lefoy and Azalea Moone give us two more short romantic stories to brighten our day.
Today, the internet is being flashed by Amelia Bishop and Mina Kelly
So, this flash fiction thing has gotten a bit of attention. We’ve got quite a few people signed up, enough to have more than one story posted each day from Valentine’s to the 20th. No, it’s not all House of Manlove, but you have to wait to find out who’s in it. I finished...
Not like that! But I adore you for thinking of it. We’re talking flash fiction, and my critique group, The House of Manlove, will be blog hopping and flash-fictioning the internet for all we’re worth around Valentine’s. It’s kind of like one of Josh Lanyon’s codas, except we aren’t so well known or fabulously...