Nutty Romances

All Romance Best Seller! Nuts About You is #49!

Haha, you don’t normally see people getting excited about being #49 on a list, but I’m absolutely chuffed, to borrow the British saying. Nuts About You is still on pre-sale, but people seem to be entertained enough by the concept to buy it anyway. I think everyone will be happy when they get their...

Tuesday Tickle: Rise of the Alpha Squirrel

Still muddling along, struggling to make the words come out. Spent most of the last couple of days dealing with weather related emergencies–the top of my head is now higher than the barn when I get up on the drift between the house and the paddock. (It’s a heck of a snow slide, though!...

Tuesday Tickle: The Walnuts

I’m bogged down in some serious house repairs right now–new windows in the front (my first ever carpentry effort) and a backed up septic system (not touching that one with a 20 ft pole, and still waiting for the septic guy to get here), so I’m really behind on new words.  I do have...

Tuesday Tickle: Pine Nuts and Honey

Chugging away at the squirrel story, and introducing some new wereanimals. Two of whom are a pair of mischievous red pandas who cause havoc during Nathan and Vince’s idyllic afternoon at the campground. Outside the tent, two small animals rolled around in the dirt, sqeaking and pouncing wildly upon each other. The looked like...

Hey, guess where I am today?

I’m over at the fascinating blog of MC Hana, the author of the fabulous space opera Moro’s Price. Read my interview, then come back and tick the box for a chance to win a print copy of Forgotten Menagerie! a Rafflecopter giveaway I know, I should get a paid WordPress site. One of these...

Tuesday Tickle: Pine Nuts and Honey

I had a really crummy day at work today. One of those “I need to put myself in timeout before someone gets hurt” kind of days. So, obviously, I’m going to tickle the guy who always makes me smile. “You think you can take me, rodent?” Nathan wasn’t putting up with that. “Don’t worry,...

Tuesday Tickle: Pine Nuts and Honey

I’m grumpy tonight, so I went straight to Nathan and Vince for a pick-me-up. Vince had made the bed and put out some clothes for him. He’d also cleaned up the mess Nathan’d made during his precipitous exit. Nathan pulled the clothes on, a pair of hiking shorts and a dark blue cotton t-shirt...

Tuesday Tickle: Pine Nuts and Honey

Don’t look at my progress bars. Or rather, my ‘lack of progress’ bars. It’s been a week, but I’m going to try to catch up on a few things, not the least of which is sleep. We had an all night pool party in my basement last night, compliments of a January thaw, a...