Still Playing With the New Website

I got a plugin, called Buy This Book Extended. It’s in beta, with all the attendant beta issues. You can see what it looks like on the right hand side of this page. If you click on the images, and my website decides to cooperate, buy links and–eventually–a short blurb should pop up. Once the next books in the series come out, I can line them up easily in rows. Actually, I might give it a try with the sequel to Lead Me to You. I have the cover, just haven’t finished the story yet. 🙂

I forgot how much fun playing with websites is. I could do this all day, but then I wouldn’t get any writing done, so I guess I better get back to the word mines.


ETA: I played with the plugin again, and now the buy links are visible all the time. Better? Worse? Doesn’t matter?

About the author: Kate Lowell

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