
I hit what I would call my first milestone today. It’s been a year and a half since I subbed anything to my critique group, but this morning, I posted the prologue and the first chapter of my FBI Double Lives story. The entire North American population of Monarch butterflies has taken up residence in my stomach. I used to have a sense (or thought I did) of when  a story was ready to meet the real world.

Not so sure now. Although, that might just be having more experience too. I know how something I thought was really good can be met in the real world. I know how much more hard work there is to come.  I know there’s going to be people who love it, and people who say “Meh!”

But I’m so excited to get this part of my life back. It’s fantastic to plan, and partition my day so that everything gets a few words. I love looking at my wordcount rising, and knowing that I’m achieving goals.

I’ve even started planning blog posts, for the days leading up to release, and after. I think I’m getting my groove back.

Just take my time, and make sure I hit each of the stepping stones square in the middle. After all, who wants to end up all wet? 😀


About the author: Kate Lowell

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