I have the cutest assistant, but he's very distracting Home / I have the cutest assistant, but he's very distracting I have the cutest assistant, but he's very distracting January 17, 2014Kate LowellRandom Weirdness Meet Ares… He likes to ‘help’ me write… Here he is, checking my grammar… He won’t let me post the picture I took when he fell into my cleavage. Besides, it’s blurry. **Ares is a Russian hamster. My daughter wouldn’t let me name him Rasputin.** Share this:FacebookTwitterTumblrPinterest About the author: Kate Lowell Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.Email address is required. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. Yes, add me to your mailing list. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.
I have the cutest assistant, but he's very distracting January 17, 2014Kate LowellRandom Weirdness Meet Ares… He likes to ‘help’ me write… Here he is, checking my grammar… He won’t let me post the picture I took when he fell into my cleavage. Besides, it’s blurry. **Ares is a Russian hamster. My daughter wouldn’t let me name him Rasputin.** Share this:FacebookTwitterTumblrPinterest