Loose Id: $4.79 Amazon: $4.76 All Romance: $4.49 This is pretty cool, because I was putting words on the sequel last night. Poor Glyn. That wolf of his is like that one friend that’s always right about stuff, but never knows when to shut up.
I sent this to the Editor in Question the other day, as we were batting around ideas for lightening the mood in the second part of Bite Me. We’re heading for 90K now. *shakes head* Glyn licked the last of the grease off his fingers and wondered when the hell KFC had become an...
Pop over to Inlinks to catch all the links to all the stories! I went literal with the concept of Summer Madness, by the way, instead of writing a summer fling. But when witches are involved, it’s all madness. 🙂 Bongos Glyn turned from wiping up the countertop and nearly jumped out of his...
Finished out at 79, 400 words. It probably won’t stop there, but it was a whopper of a story. It’s entirely possible we may cut some chapters before we’re done, but that will have to wait for editorial comment. In the meantime, I’m feeling a bit at loose ends. I shouldn’t feel like I...
Back to near the beginning of the story. I should be turning this in by the end of the month. I added another chapter today, so we’re at 22 now, and looking to finish out at something close to 72 or 73 K. Which, as anyone who knows me can tell you, probably means...
I need to be wary of this turning into a darling, but it was so unexpected and funny I wanted to share it. Glyn smiled back at him and plotted a distraction. One more movie filled with explosions and random violence, and he was going to hotwire a car himself and go on a...
You would think, after all this time, I would recognize that when a chapter isn’t working for me, it’s probably a point of view error. Nope. To parody Writing Excuses: “Fifteen hours, because no one can see it happening and I’m not that smart.” I’ve spent the past three days tweaking and rearranging this...
Just a few lines tonight. Writing’s been a hit-or-miss kind of project lately, with more misses than hits. Writer’s block–or, rather, depression masquerading as writer’s block (so I can feel even worse about myself, right? Depression’s a shady bitch.). I’ve learned to recognize it for what it is, which is half the battle. I...
Oops! Sorry, I’ve been sitting here, doing some editing, and delighting my tastebuds with some Knappoque Castle whiskey. The good news is that I’m sending off the first installment of The Color Club to the fundraising anthology. I’m a bit conflicted–serials are all the rage now, and this setup really lends itself well to...
It’s always a guessing game, when you start a new story. How long will it be? How many chapters? What subplots will jump up to surprise you? When I started Bite Me, I figured it was likely going to be a bit longer than Bite Me Tender. After all, I had Levi’s story from...