A backrub from the sexiest massage therapist that Nathan has ever met. (Not that he has wide acquaintance with massage therapists, but he’s head over tail for Vince.) Also, I have a guest post today at Joyfully Jay. Hopefully the Rafflecopter will work.
That feeling when you know you’re the most important person in the world to that special someone in your life. Be good to each other. 🙂
Nuts About You is a novelette of mine, coming out on January 7. It’s the story of Nathan the weresquirrel, his crush on one of the customers at the Bulk Mart that Nathan works in, and the Night Of The Fateful Shoe. 🙂 This excerpt comes from a chapter titled “The Watcher in the...
A story of heartwarming kindness. It’s the story of Mittens the squirrel. He was found at the side of the road, possibly the victim of a hit-and-run. He has some brain damage, and probably wouldn’t have made it, except for the kindness and care of Chris and his wife, who took Mittens in and...
The aftermath of squirrel New Year’s Eve. I do hope that Vince is around to pick him up and take him home. On pre-order now! Releases January 7. And it’s got a 50% rebate at ARe for today. 🙂
Haha, you don’t normally see people getting excited about being #49 on a list, but I’m absolutely chuffed, to borrow the British saying. Nuts About You is still on pre-sale, but people seem to be entertained enough by the concept to buy it anyway. I think everyone will be happy when they get their...
Woohoo! Thank you all for your faith in my little story. I love Nathan, and Vince, and the two of them together are adorable squared. (And omg, look who else is on that list! I don’t think I’ve ever been on a list with Josh Lanyon before. I need to go lie down…) NUTS...
I’ll admit it, I kind of screwed up. Trying to upload to different places and different times, so it would show up on the right day, and all the resellers had their act together and it’s popping up all over the place. So, if you read Sexmas and want to finally see where Carter...
Yes, it might be a bit early to be thinking Christmas, but here we are, one month away. 🙂 Click the linky thing to see who else is posting today. Less than a month before Christmas, Carter woke up two hours early because the North Pole had moved into his bedroom. “Blech,” he stuttered...
Don’t look at my progress bars. Or rather, my ‘lack of progress’ bars. It’s been a week, but I’m going to try to catch up on a few things, not the least of which is sleep. We had an all night pool party in my basement last night, compliments of a January thaw, a...