
Still Working on the Outline

Yeah, we’re not Birding this week. Scheduling conflicts. Not next week, either. darn that real life stuff. 🙂 And yes, I’m still working on the outline. Not steadily, or even as a first thing, but the fireman story (which doesn’t have an outline–at least on paper) is moving along swimmingly. 🙂 Right now, I’m...

Adventures in Outlining

Well, I’m not sure how much of an adventure it is. I wrote the outline, put in all the bits and pieces, and I’m still stuck trying to write it. Maybe I need a more detailed outline? But, if that’s the case, why not just write the darn thing? Is there any way to...

Three Dirty Birds Talk Theme

Or at least I think it’s theme. Still waiting for my new laptop fan, then I get to play computer tech! But until then, it’s all the poor computer can do to keep Scrivener open. Internet is on-again, off-again–I’m assuming from the heat. I have a backup plan, though. I have an old desktop...

Three Dirty Birds and the Antagonist

The Three Dirty Birds are back and plotting! (Not that we ever aren’t plotting but this time, even Kitty is plotting. As in, has an outline. Prepare for Armageddon.) Zoe: I’ll be right back, guys. I’ve never seen pigs fly before, and I don’t want to miss the view out the window. Ana: Flying...

Three Dirty Birds and the Story Core

Ana-bird had some website trouble, but now it’s working. Here’s our Wednesday post on Libbie Hawker’s Take Off Your Pants outlining book. (I’m going to try to put aside some time on Saturday to work a story up from scratch using her method. Wish me luck!)