Christmas season is upon us, the US just had Thanksgiving (and all the attendant family obligations), and I’m still drowning in dayjob. So, the Dirty Birds are taking a short break and will be back soon. Before Christmas, but we all need a bit of breathing space right now. In the meantime, I received...
Yep, still tanking NaNo. Really resenting the dayjob now. Fingers crossed we get a storm day on Thursday–not that I’ll have time to NaNo even if we do, but it’ll let me catch up on some of the dayjob stuff that’s hanging around my neck like a millstone. Have I mentioned I’m not enjoying...
NaNo’s kind of a bust. I can’t even carve out a half hour to write most days, but I’m going to keep trying. Anyway, I’m toying with the idea of making Mo’s roommate blind, because it gives me a chance to troll a whole bunch of other characters. (Thank you, Tales from Tech Support,...
So, how’s NaNo going for you? Mine’s…eh, I dunno. Admittedly, the fact that I’m getting any words done at all is pretty awesome right now. I’m working 12 hour days with two one-hour drives to and from work, so writing time is pretty limited. But I’m over the 10K hump and hope to hit...
As I suspected, day job is doing it’s best to rob my words of their time in the limelight. However, I have managed about 6K, which isn’t up to the minimum, but I’m writing, eh? That’s pretty awesome. So far, I’m just farting around the story figuring out a little more about my boys....
Now to gather some spare time (*falls down laughing*) and get my 1700 words in for the day. I know, right?
Here’s the link: I’m already thinking the storyline is going to change a little bit from what I’ve got written, but I’m not sure. I’m still filling holes in the plot, and playing with ideas. Looking forward to November 1 when I can site down and start pumping out all these words rocketing...
I’m a crap photographer. But this is my ‘planning’ for NaNo. I’m still up in the air about what I’m going to write, but it’s starting to look more and more like the biopunk, which is the two rows at the top. Top row is my 7 Point Plot Structure. Below, is all the...
I’ve been pretty burnt out lately. Words have been few and far between. Even revision, which I can normally do anyway when new words aren’t coming easily, has come to a complete standstill. It don’t know if I can really call it writer’s block–it’s not like the ideas aren’t there, or that I don’t...