Two passes down, one more to go. I’ve fixed a lot of weird spelling issues that I think have something to do with my keyboard getting ready to die. (I can’t say all of it was the keyboard–at one point I found an entire sentence that had lived on from an earlier draft, and...
This will be the last Tuesday Tickle for FM, until it’s ready to publish. 🙂 I’m finishing my first pass through it before it goes off to the editor. There’ll be two more before I’m done and, at that point, I’ll be chasing it out the door with a broom, shrieking, “Get up, get...
Of course, that’s all relative–I do live in the frozen north. But they’re talking about 27 degrees celcius tomorrow, which is about 85 farenheit? And humidity. (And all my Southern friends are laughing hysterically at me at this very instant.) It’s also hot because I need to get my entry ready for the Sex...
Well, it’s gone to beta anyway. 🙂 It ended at just over 69 000 words, which means that after edits, it’ll probably be closer to 75 000. Early beta reports are promising, at least with respect to the overall story. I’m sure there’ll be details that will need to be fixed. But I’m happy...
Yeah, he was a lot of help. 😛 Funny how sitting down at the computer makes you a target for all sorts of stuff. Like lap attacks, and pats, and snuggles. 🙂 First draft of Flesh Market is done and now I’m doing revisions before I send it off to beta readers. They’ll have...