It’s available as epub, pdf and prc. The link to the download page can be found in the story’s thread here. Please stop by the Goodreads MM Romance group and say thanks to all the volunteers who worked so hard to bring these stories out into the world. It was a huge job and...
And all I can say is “Wow!” And “Thank you, April Martinez!” Not only is it classy, with lovely colours, but April must have spent hours combing stock image sites looking for those models. The only way we would have gotten closer is if I had suddenly sprouted the ability to draw without tracing....
You can find it here. Hope you enjoy it and remember: In fiction, there is no friction… (Yeah, I took a bit of artistic license. :P) PS. I’ve updated the books page. Still figuring things out. I think there’s going to be a dropdown menu, and then I’ll also link to the book’s...
That’s right–Bite Me Tender has a release date. August 13. Yeah, I’m a little excited. Like, this excited. Cover isn’t in yet, which I hope means good things, because one of the possible cover ideas I threw out there was one that would need to be drawn by hand, or computer. And it was,...
Pretty obvious that June was not my month, by a long shot. Between family shenanigans and the motherboard on my laptop going kaput, the muse decided to pack up her bags, take the cabana boy and head for greener pastures, leaving me to struggle along on my own. I did, however, add a bunch...