
Ardent is here!

Releasing February 1, 2017 from Manifold Press! Hot Italian Renaissance painters. Do I really need to say more?   Barnes and Noble Manifold Press Kobo   What it’s about: In the village of Torrenta, master painter Morello has created a color that mimics the most expensive pigment of all, the crimson red. Master Zeno, from...

99 Cent deal on ‘Til Death Do Us Part!

Addison is a member of my critique group. As you can tell, she is far more competent with the HTML than I am. 🙂 Today Only! Get ’Til Death Do Us Part by Addison Albright in ebook format for only 99¢ at JMS Books, LLC. JMS Books, LLC Blurb Henry and Sam Miller-Greene are...

Surprise! It’s Just a Week by Jena Wade

Jena stepped into the breach for another author and her new book, Just A Week, has come out a week early! (I could make the obvious pun, but it’s already been done, lol.) It’s a cute story, kind of an opposites attract/don’t judge a book by its cover/you never know where you’re gonna find...

Cover Reveal for A.L. Boyd: Soaring Hearts

A.L. is a member of my critique group. It’s fun to watch a story you’ve seen go through the critique process as it gets ready to head out into the world and meet readers. She’s finalized the cover–which I think is gorgeous–and it’s a lovely story. She hasn’t decided on a release date yet,...