Our great leader, Jen, posted a list of some of the longer stories that have been turned in so far. Here’s what she showed us, along with the content tags that go along with them: Historical- 32,000 some violence, knights spies/secret agents, action suspense, adventure, explicit sex, first time, twinks, cross dressing, abduction/kidnapping, domestic...
Okay, that’s the working title. Unless I can’t come up with something better. 🙂 This is the story of what comes before The Courtesy of Knives, where my younger prince first becomes acquainted with our lovely courtesan. Apologies for this being so short: I’ve been struck down by the flu and I’ve kind of...
Haven’t done any writing yet, mostly trying to catch up on betas I’ve agreed to do. Had family over this morning, so we took their little fella out to the barn and let him help feed the ponies, and then we showed him the new hatched chickens, ducks and geese and the new calves....
Peacock. Yeah, this is Babi’s fault too. She is such an enabler. Sorry I don’t know how to make the video embed like a Youtube vid.
Yeah, the questions are getting a little silly now. But fun. And the snippet I posted today walks the line between sexy and sweet (I hope!). So, check it out! (I tried to link directly to the new post–now I have to go see if it worked.) Oh, and it did!!! I’m looking forward...
I was really shocked today to realise how tense I’ve been over the past month. When I looked back in the spreadsheet, most of April was spent on edits, some of them fairly substantial, as I filled in plot holes and rewrote sections that weren’t doing their jobs properly. The knots in my shoulders...
And immediately started panicking about whether I should have waited another day to send it off. I probably would have changed a few more things, added a few sentences, took a few more out. At this point, though, I’m not sure I wouldn’t do more harm than good. Anyway, Knight is now officially off...
I love Friday. Today, I labelled organic meat for sale. It was a fun time-they’re a crazy crew out at the meat shop where we cut and package our meat to sell. What else did I do today? I posted on Goodreads. Another interview with the poppy boys and another little snippet. I haven’t...
Hubs and I had quite the conversation about this, this morning. Especially interesting, since he’s a white, heterosexual male and we live in the small community where he grew up. That’s not to say he enjoys all the privilege possible–he grew up quite poor, and the son of a European immigrant. But, he’s still...
Sorry about the lateness–problems with my DNS and I couldn’t get out onto the internet at all. Just over halfway through the synopsis of Knight and dying of boredom. The story that the betas forgot they were supposed to be betaing, in synopsis form, could be used as a lethal weapon of mass boredom....