Lol! I realised today that I just surpassed my January wordcount goal. Yay! And, just to prove it, here’s a screenshot of the Spreadsheet of Splendor! Along the left side, you can see the totals and the percent accomplished for each month and for the year as a whole. The coloured column is my...
Watcha doin’? Here I am and it’s Friday night and it’s been a heck of a week—not in a good way. I’m tired, cranky, frustrated and all I really want to do is site on the couch with a bottle of something alcoholic and watch tv. I’m too tired even to read. But I...
So, it’s time for a Tuesday Tickle. This exerpt is from Bite Me Tender, an MM paranormal erotic romance, with werewolves and witches. It comes very early in the novella, within the first couple of pages. To put it in context, Levi is a werewolf and lives with his boyfriend Glyn, who is a...