3 x 3 WIP and Tag, You’re It!
I’m going to tag @Ann-Katrin Byrde and @Amelia Faulkner for this. The idea is to post the first three lines from the first three chapters of your current work in progress. Since dayjob is done for a bit, I’ll finally have the time and the spoons to work on The Wall Nuts, so I guess that makes it my WIP. 🙂
Chapter 1: Happy Beginnings
Nathan lay on Vince’s bed in absolute bliss, while his incredibly good-looking, fantastically wonderful boyfriend massaged his way from Nathan’s shoulders to the small of his back. With firm, loving strokes, Vince chased down every last ounce of tension in Nathan’s body and left him cheeping sleepily against the soft cotton.
Best present ever.
Chapter 2: A Bird in the Kitchen
Nathan decided to make a run by the kitchen before he jumped in the shower, just to see if could put the brakes on Charlie. Charlie didn’t actually eat a whole lot—there was only so much you could fit into that tiny frame of his at one time—but he had a typical hummingbird’s addiction to sweets and a tendency to get…feisty while on a sugar high. Plus, if he ate enough, there was also the problem of that little allergy of his.
Chapter 3: Road Trip of Your Nightmares
Two hours into the four hour drive, Charlie wedged himself through the gap between the front seats. “Are we there yet?”
Nathan rolled his eyes and pushed Charlie back into the back seat. “Put your seat belt on. And we’re five minutes closer than we were the last time you asked.”
2 comments to “3 x 3 WIP and Tag, You’re It!”
Merrie bryant - September 22, 2016
I just love Nathan and Vince. I’m looking forward to reading The Wall Nuts. Do you have a release date for it? Or are you still writing it?
Kate Lowell - September 22, 2016
Yes, I am still writing it. Life has gotten in the way of writing, but I’m hoping to have a bunch of things cleared away (new job, major house repairs, family drama) by the middle of October, then it’ll be full tilt, I hope. It can be a little slow getting back into the swing of things, but I’m going to give it my all. 🙂