Flesh Market is Done!
Well, it’s gone to beta anyway. 🙂 It ended at just over 69 000 words, which means that after edits, it’ll probably be closer to 75 000.
Early beta reports are promising, at least with respect to the overall story. I’m sure there’ll be details that will need to be fixed. But I’m happy with most of it. One chapter I rewrote three times and still hate, but perhaps outside eyes will have some constructive ideas about it.
I’ll be spending this morning listening to Christmas music and trying to switch gears from the horror of Flesh Market to a silly Christmas meet-cute. Whiplash is a serious possibility.
2 comments to “Flesh Market is Done!”
Nina Kaytel - July 9, 2015
Yay congrats!
Kate Lowell - July 9, 2015
Thank you! I’m very excited. 🙂