Guess What's 20% off if you pre-order it!

The Forgotten Menagerie Anthology!!!! Look, you can see Nathan sitting on dude’s arm!


Here’s the link if you want to pick up a copy for the reduced price of $4.79 for the ebook or $7.99 for the softcover. You’ll notice the release date is now October 18th, instead of the 15th, because we like to be thorough.

Remember, my adorably dumb squirrel is not the only story in there, but you get four other stories as well:
•Burdens Lightened — Angelia Sparrow (@asparrow16)
•The Greatest of These — Alex Whitehall (@alexwhitehall)
•Dangerous Territory — Cari Z (@author_cariz)
•Mirrors, the Moon and the Boy — Avery Vanderlyle (@averyvanderlyle)

So it’s a pretty sure thing that you’re going to find something you like in it, and probably more than one. After all, who can resist cute, fluffy, amorous squirrels? With an obsession with all kinds of nuts? (wink, wink, nudge, nudge)

About the author: Kate Lowell

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